Monday, 20 April 2020

Crit Presentation, Feedback and Reflection

Crit Presentation

Feedback (Blue text is own reflection)
  • Exhibition Idea - Could play with the markers around work, have the line be on a projector so the line could move, it would be closer some days and not others, could go across the walls etc?
    - Like this idea, having a physical intervention within the exhibition to make the audience realise their own bodies.
    - Could experiment with placement of work, having the works high up or low down so people have to change the way they stand to be able to see work. 
  • Exhibition Idea - People could have free movement around the exhibition so they can see the work how they like, and then with the publication it could display a different side to the exhibition. Showcase the work in a new light.
    - Like this idea, but wanting to bring attention to the body. Feel the use of prompts could incorporate both these elements potentially?
    - Could be 2 publications made, one a simple catalogue to direct the audience around the exhibition. And a second that showcases the exhibition?
  • People felt the exhibition/gallery idea was a strong one, it related well to the question and felt like an appropriate solution to the "issue".
    - I agree, but also incorporating the techniques from the publication would be strong. Want to ensure any physical ephemera fits into the concept of the exhibition.  
  • Research Room 1 - publication by Dom
  • Research Tom Lovelace and his works.
  • Could incorporate the eye tracking into the works, how could this influence the publication or a website?
    > Having the eye tracking affect the layout of publication or website.
    - Really like this idea, think it could be a good way to get a structure for the book and strike the balance between being chaotic and minimal. Chaotic layout with minimal content, or just got mad with it (can always pull back is unsuccessful). 
  • Could have how people interacted with the exhibition be represented on the website somehow. Cameras within exhibition to document where people spent the most time. This could dictate the scale of images etc. 
    - Could use Isadora software? Have where the audience looks on the page make that icon larger? 
  • What to be exhibited? 
    > Showcase works from people interested and designing within a similar realm to the concept.
    > Emily suggested presenting stock imagery as to not have the content distract from the concept of the exhibition.
    - Really like Emily's idea, could use stock photos of the body as found from development of aesthetic, looking at parts of the body makes you more aware of your own. 
  • With publication could be a good idea to experiment with cut throughs of the pages so you see what's underneath on a different page. 
    - Could maybe use really thin paper stock to have a similar effect? - Experiment with this idea, test with current publications.   
  • Website Idea - People kept mentioning a website with lots of different suggestions. 
    > The cursor be a pair of eyes.
    > Website could have things go off the page, audience has to find them.
    > It could have barriers, the cursor couldn't go over images (cursor acts like the person in the exhibition).
    > Cursor dictate what people look at, it goes without you needing to do anything.
    - Feel the ideas for a website are really interesting, however might be too much to produce during this project. Previous experiments with using a website to bring attention to the body wasn't as effective as other methods.
    - Test the ideas see where they could fit. 

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