- The two ideas they thought were the most successful was the publication and the gallery idea.
- The book should be accompanied by something.
- Feel like this could be where a publication comes into fruition with the gallery?
- Have a publication that provides prompts for the exhibition, feel as though with this the use of the thermochromic paper wouldn't be needed, it would become one element too many. - For the gallery idea it should have an exhibition designed to go with it.
- Having looked through photos on my phone I found the picture below. Thought I could do something similar to this or along the same lines where the physical object is presented in the same with a photo of it.
^ Reflecting on past experiences of interacting with exhibitions.
- By designing an exhibition need to think about the content, maybe this could be where Fluxus comes into it? It could exhibit the Fluxus movement and become a piece of performance art itself with the prompt book on how to navigate the exhibition?
What to do next?
1. Test book layouts etc
- find rules or information about the movement or from research into somaesthetics to develop a visual for the layout
2. Mock up potential exhibition
- consider fluxus of today in this
3. Reflect and think which is most effective.
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