Friday, 15 May 2020

Feedback from Dom, Screen Development and Promotional Stuff Development

> Screen is supporting the exhibition, it lives on. It presents a digital version of the exhibition.
> The screen would translate the essence of the exhibition experience onto screen.
> It could be a promotional piece, engaging landing page for example, containing the dates, where etc.
> Circles are successful at bringing attention to the audience's movement in a simple way. Could be elevated by adding a sense of control.
 - Audience needs to click certain circles to reveal information.
 - Clicking mouse to reveal photos from the exhibition.
 - Adding a sense of control through these elements.

 - Circles be on the parts you need to get to, really controlling the movement. Having the website be more responsive and controlled. 
> Need to think about the aim of the screen, is it to bring attention to the body, or have a sense of control.
> Seeing the screen as one large plane was effective in bringing that navigation element.
 - The audience could have places where they couldn't move to, replicating the sense of restricted movement from the exhibition.
> Can implement more control on a mobile device.
> Web version could be very simple, similar to what I've got so far. Then mobile be more controlled.
 - Can have more physical elements incorporated to the experience, double tap do one thing, pressured push do another etc.
 - See if this can be mocked up.

 - Phone would seem more as though it is in a space rather than being sat at a desktop. 
> Screen could be a basic information presentation about the exhibition with interactive circles then phone could be this and more.
 - Could be able to navigate and direct the audience? 
> Mobile doesn't need to thought through in complete detail and mock up would be good enough.



Screen movement:
 - all can be for one finger or two.


Stills from this:

> Phone allowed for more physical interaction with the screen
 - swiping two fingers to navigate
 - press and hold to reveal information about a photo
 - Tap to remove circles
 - Tap with two fingers to reveal a prompt
> Doesn't really demonstrate the restricted movement element the exhibition has.
 - Does this need to be included? It is successful at controlling the movement of the audience.

Felt more suited to phone than desktop.
Should still develop a desktop version but this be more simple, act more like a landing page with the information about the exhibition on.
 - The desktop version could be a way to include the idea of restricted movement.

> Displays all the information someone would want about the event.
> Incorporates the sense of control as the audience has to click the circles to get rid of them.
> Some of the circles you can't move over, can see from animation.
> Could potentially included a pop up image feature if the user double clicks anywhere?
 - Would this add anything else?
 - Or would it become too confusing?

Thinking back to discussion with Dom, mentioned about the user moving the phone and this making the phone screen move - similar to doodle jump and temple run.
 - The circles could slide around the screen when you move it?
 - The audience could walk with their phone and it would move them around the screen (is this possible? If not could always keep swipe option).


Promotional Material:
> Thinking for the exhibition there will be elements of promotional materials, tickets, posters etc.
> You can see in the animations there is a way of laying out the text that was developed from previous ticket idea:

Developing a poster version incorporating this folding concept
 - Text being laid out along a fold line.
 - Wanting it to be more jumpy to make the audience's eyes move as it distrupts the traditional eye tracking process.

> Wanting the layout to play with where the text is placed, around the edges, not as traditional.
 - Feels like it could be to much as the text is has already been altered.
 - Add circles to see how that effects it all.

Playing around with a more simle text allowing for a more bizarre layout of information.
Adding circles to favourite designs:

> Playing with the circles overlapping the text (mimicking the web aspect) as well as without overlapping.
> Both are good, feel as though there could be fewer circles to make it look a little more refined.
> Could also experiment with having larger text on the first two.
> Prefer the overlapping circles, feel as though it relates to the exhibition and screen more.

> These two are both successful, one more minimal than the other, need peer feedback.

What to do next?
 - Print and make books
 - Finalise exhibition concept and mock it up (this about vinyl and intervention)
 - Revise phone screen for movement by physical moving

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