M.Giesser spoke through his process of developing a brand/visual identity for a company. He used the example of YOUTH.
When talking through the design process it was very much focused around the client, developing a full understanding of what they're about in order to develop a visual that's true to them.
- This feels relevant to my project as I'm wanting to develop a visual style that is based on the Fluxus movement, bu thinking about it in a contemporary way. In essence Fluxus is the client in this scenario. What is the DNA of Fluxus?
M.Giesser mentioned something about lifestyle (life/style) how the words contradict other. Life is messy, it's human, it makes mistakes, isn't always right etc. Then style is contrived, carefully considered, it's clean and right.
- I think this was a really interesting point, Fluxus as a movement was a lot about humans, the works I've been looking at throughout this project have always involved people in the works. I think this needs to be incorporated more into the design, this human element; whether that be photos, evidence of human touch, etc it needs to be included.
Looking at the works on instagram:
The design is clean and considered but has an element of something human to it, it incorporates human form, the type doesn't distract from this either. The human and type balance each other, it presents an equal depiction of life and style.
- This balance is important to the project I'm working on, the designs shouldn't distract from the content, it should emphasise it.
This image stood out to me as something I could test with the imagery of people in galleries. Having the rest of the photo be manipulated in one way, blurred, pixelated, more transparent etc.
- How does this impact what people see?
Key Takeaways:
- Balance is integral to making the project work and not be over powered.
- Life is about humans, and this is a key part of my research, need to make sure the outcome has a human element to it.
- More experimentation into layout and type is needed - forget about the final look just make!
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