Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Publication Development

Thinking about what Dom said, need to make sure the publication is able to be seen with the exhibition as well as after to be cohesive.
 - Want the audience to be able to use it at home it make sense, and reflect the exhibition. 

> The publication emily suggested for zoe to look at had an interesting arrangement.
> This combined with Pentagram's publication could be interesting to experiment with.

- Both demonstrate how a publication can be non-traditional but easy to navigate.

See here for book development:

Some Pages:

> The gaps around the circles looks rather strange, it doesn't wrap as a circle it wraps as a square.
 - Couldn't find a way to prevent this from happening.
> The design was interesting, presented more like a publication due to body text rather than a zine.
> Has a more traditional feel so could benefit from a physical intervention, such as folding pages.
 - Folding pages would be difficult with text, would need to account for creep when making indesign file to ensure nothing is cur off.
 - Maybe text could all be on one side (like previous experiments still wrapping the text box but then image needs to be folded over to be seen?
 - Could be separated in paragraphs, one on one side one on the other.

> With fold books would it come folded? Would to audience have to fold it? How would they know what to do? 

Testing without the text wrap of the circles:
Full book here:

> More traditional to a publication.
> Having circles behind text links to eye tracking spots, brings your attention to these spots on the page without knowing why.
> Does it bring attention to the body though?
 - Not as much as folding does.
 - Isn't as interactive, this feels like it would be more suited to screen. The publication should take advantage of bring a physical object and incorporate a physical intervention.
> Red text links to colour palette as well as typwriter experiment.
 - Becomes one element too much, title of piece should be separated from body text instead.

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